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Information about the programme
The programme Erasmus+ is an international European Union programme supporting the exchange of students and lecturers between universities participating in it. The programme offers two main forms of exchange: 1-2 semester study placements at partner universities and internships ( at least 3 months). The programme is chiefly oriented towards the exchange within the European Union, but it also involves cooperation projects organised with universities outside Europe.
The programme is administrated at the university by its Department of International Cooperation. The webpages of the Department offer complete information on the exchange including financing principles and regulations of enrolment. The Faculty organises enrolments for placements as part of its cooperation with European universities. Enrolments for internships and exchange with institutions outside the EU are organised directly by the Department of International Cooperation.
All students leaving for placements under their degree programmes are obliged to adhere to uniform procedures of preparation for placement and approval of their achievements after their return. Hence, the regulations provided here are binding for both students who are qualified for placement by the Faculty and those who are to leave under other programmes.
For more information about the programme, please visit the websites of
the Department of International Cooperation (DIC) of Wrocław University of Science and Technology in the Degree programmes/Erasmus+ the Polish office of the Erasmus programme+
Enrolments organised by the Faculty
Enrolments for the Erasmus programme are held once a year and apply to all placements planned for the subsequent academic year. They are organised jointly by DIC and the Faculty. The enrolment process begins with a university-wide orientation meeting where the qualification procedure and enrolment calendar are explained. The meeting is always organised at the beginning of the summer semester (in February/March). The exact date of the meeting is announced on the webpages of the Department of International Cooperation. Also, a relevant announcement is published in the News of the Faculty of Electronics.
A faculty meeting, whose date and venue are announced in the university-wide meeting, is held for students applying for placements.
Up-to-date lists of scholarships under the Erasmus+ programme are published by the Department of International Cooperation. When choosing a university, candidates should pay special attention to the following information:
The Faculty’s coordinators of the programme
Dariusz Caban, PhD, Eng phone: 320-28-23 email:
Piotr Słobodzian, PhD, DSc, Eng phone: 320-45-83 email:
The schedule of enrolment procedure for the current academic year, along with the up-to-date time-frames and deadlines, is provided every year on the website of DIC. Below are additional requirements enabling the effective performance of the Faculty’s activities.
Formal criteria
Students pursuing their engineering, master’s or doctoral programmes are eligible for the programme. During their stay abroad, the participant must be actively involved in studying (they cannot be after studies, Dean’s leave, or leave for professional purposes, etc.). When leaving for their placement, the participant cannot be behind in their studies (they cannot have any credit deficit, even one permissible by the regulations of studies). Students against whom a disciplinary punishment has been adjudicated cannot apply for a placement under the programme.
The University’s Student Enrolment Principles (published on the webpages of the Department of International Cooperation) are in force along with supplements adopted by the Faculty and published on the webpage. Under the Erasmus+ programme, participants are eligible for a scholarship for up to a total of 12 months in each cycle of studies (Eng, MSc, and PhD) irrespective of whether they are studying at another university, faculty or pursuing their degree programme. This includes study placements and internships under the Erasmus+ programme and other student exchange programmes.
At the time of qualification, the student must have a record of at least 1 completed semester of an engineering programme. Due to the shortened 7th semester of engineering programmes, the Faculty doesn’t grant permissions for placements in this semester. Students in their 3rd year can apply for a placement in the 1st semester of their MSc programme - they will be qualified conditionally (to reserve lists). Transfer of such students to main lists will take place after their admission to 2nd cycle courses at Wrocław University of Science and Technology. When planning a placement in this period, one must take into account that it will be possible only in March (after the matriculation ceremony), which may be inconsistent with the academic calendar of the university organising the placement.
Qualification procedure
Only students who attain very good grades and are sufficiently prepared for classes in a foreign language will be qualified for placements abroad. The following qualification procedure is in force:
Qualification criteria
Application Form / Learning Agreement
These are documents required by the Erasmus+ programme. Instructions for the preparation/filling out thereof can be found on the webpages of the Department of International Cooperation. Additionally, they are presented in the university-wide meeting. The documents are signed by the Faculty coordinator of international exchange. A full set of documents, i.e. the number of copies required by the exchange programme and one copy for the coordinator must be submitted for signing.
Individualised Education Plan
When choosing a degree programme curriculum abroad it’s important to try to make it match, as closely as it’s possible, the curriculum one is pursuing under their degree programme and specialisation at the Faculty. However, certain changes are unavoidable due to differences in partner universities’ curricula and programme calendars. Owing to the above, students leaving for their foreign placements pursue their programmes following an individualised education plan (IEP), in accordance with §9 item 11 of the Regulations of Studies at Wrocław University of Science and Technology (2015).
The preparation of IEP is a procedure that precedes the signing of the Learning Agreement. The Learning Agreement is always signed by the Faculty’s coordinator of international exchange, and - in the case of certain programmes - also the Dean. It must be consistent with the previously agreed individualised education plan. Signatures under the Learning Agreement cannot be obtained before completing the procedure of IEP arrangements. One set of documents along with an agreed individualised education plan is stored with other Faculty’s documents.
The individualised education plan is arranged following the procedure applicable at the Faculty of Electronics. The curriculum plan is developed by the student with the approval of their academic supervisor, using the following form (pdf or doc). The curriculum plan must be approved by the degree programme/specialisation supervisor and the Vice-Dean in charge of the course of studies.
Permission for placement
After the completion of a semester and obtainment of an acceptance from the university that organises the placement, the candidate must obtain the Dean’s permission for placement. The document is a formal declaration of departure for placement communicated to the Faculty. If for any reason, the departure for placement does not happen, the candidate must report it to the Dean’s Office. The student fills out the form of permission for placement (template available on the webpages of DIC) and submits it for signing in room 108, C-5.
Enrolment for classes at the Faculty of Electronics
A student departing for a placement abroad shouldn’t enrol for courses in the country unless the agreed curriculum plan includes the completion thereof at WUST. It often happens that during the enrolment the final decision is not known (no arrangement with the university offering the placement, no visa or promise). In such cases, one must enrol for all courses required by the curriculum. After obtaining a permission for placement, the candidate must make sure that they cancel their enrolment.
Changes to the curriculum plan of studies pursued abroad
Necessary changes
A curriculum plan for studies pursued abroad is arranged based on the offerings of universities that organise placements. Usually, at this point, schedules of classes and cancelled courses are not known. Therefore, it often turns out that the curriculum plan planned under the Learning Agreement is impossible to attain. In such an event, one must agree on a new curriculum of their individual study programme with their supervisor, in the shortest possible time, and on this basis fill out the form of changes to the Learning Agreement.
Agreement on changes to ISP
Changes to ISP are subject to an agreement following a procedure analogous to that with respect to its establishment and must use the same template ». the new curriculum plan should be agreed on with the supervisor and approved by the Head of the degree programme and Vice-Dean for student affairs. After the student’s return from their placement, when approving the completion of the courses done abroad - only those of them are taken into account that were completed in accordance with ISP.
Approval of changes to the Learning Agreement
Changes to the Learning Agreement are approved by representatives of the university offering the placement and the Faculty’s coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme. Approval of changes at the Faculty is conditional upon their accordance with ISP. In special cases, when the student is already abroad and the university offering the placement requires changes to the Learning Agreement to be approved, the coordinator may do it based on the ISP curriculum agreed on only with the supervisor. After their return to the country, the student must make sure that full agreement is attained.
Approval of the completion of courses pursued abroad
Obligations of a student returning from their placement abroad
A student returning from their placement abroad must account for their scholarship in accordance with the conditions of the agreement. For this purpose, they need to furnish the required documents to the Department of International Cooperation.
Approval of the completion of courses
At the Faculty, the student submits an application to the Vice-Dean for the approval of the completion of foreign courses and transfer of grades obtained on them (following the template »). The application must be filled out on a computer, following the instructions included in the template. Only the grades obtained on courses completed in accordance with the approved ISP curriculum are transferred. A Transcript of Record from the foreign university must be attached to the application (original document or its copy attested by DIC).
Data included in the application must be verified by the programme coordinator. For this purpose, it must be submitted in room 108, C-5. After the application is attested by the coordinator, the student personally meets with the Vice-Dean responsible for the course of studies in order to transfer grades. When attending the meeting, the student should have their approved application, Transcript of Record, and the up-to-date ISP curriculum.
Principles for establishing credits and grades
The application for the approval of the completion of courses includes a list of courses along with credits and completion/examination grades assigned to them. The principles for establishing credits and converting grades are stipulated in the faculty regulations adopted by the Curriculum Committee. The regulations can be found here »
Conditional enrolment for a semester
If a student has not received the results of their examination and information on their completion of courses until the time of enrolment for another semester, they can be enrolled on a conditional basis. Thus, they are entitled to sign up for courses and continue their degree programme. After receiving their results, the student must immediately have their courses under the foreign placement approved as completed, under pain of invalidation of their conditional enrolment. The decision on conditional enrolment is made by the Vice-Dean upon the student’s request.