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Faculty of Electronics

Monika Bartlewska-Urban, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology » Department of Mining

ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław
building L-1 (Geocentrum), room 383
phone +48 71 320 6887

Research fields

  • Research interests are focused on theoretical issues related to physics and soil mechanics in the field of: theory of elasticity of porous medium, mechanics of inhomogeneous centers, theory of thermo-consolidation, the theory of two-phase elastically viscous porous media, modeling groundwater flow, numerical methods in mechanics (including hydromechanics), application of neural networks, application of genetic algorithms.

Recent papers



  • Strzelecki T., Maniecki Ł., Bartlewska-Urban M., Building a numerical model of the filtration flow in the Żelazny Most flotation tailings disposal lake / Tomasz Strzelecki, Łukasz Maniecki, Monika Bartlewska-Urban. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica. 2015, vol. 37, nr 1, s. 93-104, 21 rys., bibliogr. 7 poz.,
  • Bartlewska-Urban M., Strzelecki T., Urban R., Determination of effective parameters of Biot model with the Kelvin-Voight rheological skeleton / M. Bartlewska-Urban, T. Strzelecki, R. Urban. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2015, vol. 15, nr 4, s. 1173-1179, 8 rys., 6 tab., bibliogr. 5 poz.
  • Bartlewska-Urban M., Strzelecki T., Numerical calculation of 3D problem of the thermoconsolidation of flotation waste landfill "Żelazny Most" based on biot's model with the Kelvin-Voigt rheological skeleton / Monika Bartlewska-Urban, Tomasz Strzelecki. W: XX. International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, 10th-13th June, 2014, [Stuttgart, 10.06.2014-13.06.2014]. [Stuttgart: University of Stuttgart, 2014]. s. 1-1, 1 rys., bibliogr. 1 poz. 



  • Bartlewska-Urban M., Strzelecki T., Numerical calculation of deformation of three dimensional sample in triaxial apparatus under external load and temperature field / Monika Bartlewska-Urban, Tomasz Strzelecki. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica. 2013, vol. 35, nr 1, s. 27-39, 10 rys., 2 tab., bibliogr. 27 poz.

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