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Faculty of Electronics

Łukasz Lamch, PhD


Unit: Faculty of Chemistry » Department of Engineering and Technology of Chemical Processes

Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 29, 50-371 Wrocław
building A-2, room 105
phone +48 71 320 4337

Research fields

  • Chemistry of colloids; interfacial phenomena; synthesis and applications of surfactants; block copolymers.

Recent papers


  • Chudy M., Tokarska K., Jastrzębska E., Bułka M., Drozdek S., Lamch Ł., Wilk K.A., Brzózka Z., Lab-on-a-chip systems for photodynamic therapy investigations, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2018, vol. 101, s. 37-51.
  • Lamch Ł., Jarzycka A., Szyk-Warszyńska L., Warszyński P., Wilk K.A., Nonequivalent adsorption of pH-responsive dicephalic sugar surfactants at the air/solution interface, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 2018, vol. 54, s. 102-110.


  • Lamch Ł., Tsirigotis-Maniecka M., Kulbacka J., Wilk K.A., Synthesis of new zinc(II) phthalocyanine conjugates with block copolymers for cancer therapy, ARKIVOC, 2017, vol. 2, s. 433-445.


  • Lamch Ł., Tylus T., Jewgiński M.P., Latajka R., Wilk K.A., Location of varying hydrophobicity zinc(II) phthalocyanine-type photosensitizers in methoxy poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(L-lactide) block copolymer micelles using 1H NMR and XPS techniques, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2016, vol. 120, s. 12768-12780.
  • Lamch Ł., Kulbacka J., Pietkiewicz J., Rossowska J., Dubińska-Magiera M., Choromańska A., Wilk K.A., Preparation and characterization of new zinc(II) phthalocyanine —Containing poly(L-lactide)-b-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymer micelles for photodynamic therapy, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology. 2016, vol. 160, nr 4, s. 185-197.

Papers in DONA database

Politechnika Wrocławska © 2024