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Faculty of Electronics

Jadwiga Urbanik, DSc, PhD, Eng, Arch


Unit: Faculty of Architecture » Department of Architecture Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Landscape

ORCID 0000-0003-0042-6813

ul. B. Prusa 53/55, 50-317 Wrocław
building E-5, room 203
phone +48 71 320 6237
secretariat phone +48 71 320 6231




  • 1974-1979 - Wroclaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, specialization – conservation of urban and architectural monuments;
  • 1979 - M.D. diploma - master's degree in architecture, specialization "Conservation of Monuments of Architecture and Urban Planning", Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, the 9th of March, 1979, title of the diploma design: Conservation and adaptation to the hotel the medieval castle in Milazzo, Sicily. 

Professional experience:

  • since 1979 - work at the Institute of History of Architecture, Art and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Technology. Lectures and seminars on town-planning history, garden history, conservation on urban and architectonic heritage;
  • 1979 - apprenticeship in Palermo (Studio Architettura di Cancila);
  • 1984 - apprenticeship in Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture (archaeological excavation if Schaesberg castle in Limburg);
  • 1987 - post-graduate course of pedagogy;
  • 1999 - Ph.D. diploma - in technical sciences, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, title of the doctoral thesis: The Housing Estate of the Wrocław "Dwelling and Workplace" Exhibition (WuWA 1929) against the background of other model Werkbund estates;
  • since 1993 - conservation supervision of the hotel designed by Hans Scharoun and detached house designed by Emil Lange, built in 1929 as a part of experimental WuWA estate;
  • since 2003 - chair of Polish DOCOMOMO Working Party;
  • 2020 - post-doctoral degree in Architecture and Urban Planning – (Housing Architecture of the Inter-war Period in Germany and in Wroclaw – City Planning, Architecture, (Form, Colour Scheme and Interior Shaping) and Renovation)
  • Taking part in historical urban researches of Wrocław and studies on Wrocław housing estates from the period 1872-1939. Many papers and reports concerning history of architecture and town-planning of XX century.


Main fields of interest: 

history and theory of town planning from antiquity to the 20th century, history and theory of architecture and urban planning, especially in the first half of the 20th century (modernism, functionalism, international style ...) - architectural form, building materials and technologies, colour scheme, interior design and restoration. 

Grants and research projects:

  • A project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program Innovative Economy, performance of a multimedia educational-cognitive-recreational program for the task of "Centennial Hall in Wroclaw - Center for Innovation in Architecture and Construction ", 2011 - participation in the project, a member of the team of experts;
  • Project co-financed by the European Union from the Regional Development Fund - research project "Famous villas" preparation of the publication on famous villas in Central Europe and exhibitions, 2013-2014 - participation in the project;
  • Grant of the National Science Center No. 2011/01 / B / HS3 / 00753, entitled “Housing Architecture by the Schlesische Heimstätte cooperative in Wrocław and Silesia between 1919 and 1941”, developed in 2011-2015 - project manager;
  • Grant the Getty Foundation entitled “Conservation Management Plan for Centennial Hall in Wroclaw” (CMP) made as part of the "Keeping It Modern" program, developed in 2015-2016 - participation in the project,;
  • Grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 11H 13021582, under the name "National Program for the Development of Humanities", as part of which the Historical Atlas of Polish Cities was prepared, Vol. IV: Silesia, book 13, Wrocław, developed in 2014-2017 - participation in project. 


  • conservation projects for the renovation and restoration of modernist architecture (with dr hab. inż. arch. A. Gryglewska, dr hab. inż. arch. A. Tomaszewicz). 


  • 2000, collective award of the Minister of the Interior and Administration for the publication entitled: Architecture of Wrocław. Monograph collection - Home, Urban Planning, Temple, Building, Wrocław 1995, 1995, 1997, 1998;
  • 2004, award of the Minister of Infrastructure for the publication: Wrocław Werkbund Exhibition - WUWA 1929, Wrocław 2002;
  • 2007, 2010, 2014, 2016, Rector's award in recognition of the outstanding contribution to the University's activities;
  • 2009, Silver medal for many years of service granted by the President of the Republic of Poland;
  • 2009, Sybilla award for the museum event of the year (in the category of natural, technical and medical exhibitions) for the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław and author and curator of the exhibition and the author of the accompanying publication - WuWA 1929-2009Wrocławska wystawa Werkbundu;
  • 2017, Sybilla award for the museum event of the year (in the category of natural, technical and medical exhibitions) for the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław and author and curator of the exhibition and co-author of the texts and scientific editor of the publication accompanying the exhibition – Way to modernity: the Werkbund estates 1927 – 1932;
  • 2020, Golden medal for many years of service granted by the President of the Republic of Poland.

Conference participation:

  • after obtaining the doctoral degree of technical sciences in 1999 - participation in 55 conferences and scientific seminars, international and national (37 papers, 22 published). 

University classes:

  • courses on the history of urban planning as well as the theory and history of 20th century architecture and town planning, including issues related to restoration. 

Editorial work:

  • 2011, Leksykon architektury Wrocławia, Rafał Eysymontt, Jerzy Ilkosz, Agnieszka Tomaszewicz, Jadwiga Urbanik (eds.), cooperation - Ewa Różycka-Rozpędowska, Wrocław, Via Nova Publisher;
  • 2016, Droga ku nowoczesności, osiedla Werkbundu 1927-1932, Jadwiga Urbanik (ed.). Wrocław, Muzeum Architektury and Czech, English and German version (A Way to Modernity, The Werkbund Estates 1927-1932Cesta k modernitě, Sídliště Werkbundu 1927-1932Der Weg zur Moderne, Werkbund-Siedlungen 1929-1932);
  • 2016, Centennial Hall in Wrocław: Conservation Management Plan, Jerzy Ilkosz, Haná Červinkowa, Grzegorz Grajewski,Jadwiga Urbanik (eds.), Wrocław, Museum of Architecture. 

Membership in international and national organizations, scientific societies and expert teams:

  • DOCOMOMO Organization - International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement (cofounder of Docomomo International, since 1990); chair of the Polish Section of DoCoMoMo (since 2003);
  • ISC/T DOCOMOMO Section (International Scientific Committee on Technology, since 1992);
  • Polish Academy of Science, Wrocław Department, Commission of Architecture and Town Planning (since 1996);
  • advisory council for the protection of monuments of Modern Movement architecture in Poland at the National Center for Research and Documentation of Monuments (Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków - KOBiDZ), now National Heritage Institute (since 2007 till 2011);
  • jury of the competition: „Centennial Hall in Wrocław – Center of Innovation in Architecture and Construction” – exhibition project concerning the history of the Hall, exhibition grounds, Wrocław modernism against the background of global achievements (2011);
  • teams of experts appointed to carry out a multimedia educational, cognitive and recreational program for the project “Centennial Hall in Wrocław – Center of Innovation in Architecture and Construction” (2011);
  • jury of an architectural competition for the development of public spaces of the WuWA (2011);
  • cooperation network regarding the award of the model Werkbund estates with the European Heritage Label (since 2011) and the renovation of these estates - cities Stuttgart, Brno, Wrocław, Zurych, Praga, Wiedeń;
  • Scientific Council of the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (od 2012);
  • C20 - Twenties Century Society, Great Britain, (since 2015 till 2017). 

Selected publications:

  • Jadwiga Urbanik, "Dzieło całościowe" (Gesamtkunstwerk) w rewaloryzacji architektury modernistycznej. In: Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni: architektura lat międzywojennych i jej ochrona, M. J. Sołtysik, R. Hirsch (eds.), Gdynia 2009, pp. 207-215. (English edition: "Comprehensive work of art" (Gesamtkunstwerk) in revalorisation of modern architecture).
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, WUWA 1929-2009, Wrocławska wystawa Werkbundu, Wrocław 2009.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, "Owoce z zakazanego drzewa" - funkcjonalizm form organicznych. In: Non solum villae. Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana profesorowi Stanisławowi Medekszy, J. Kościuk (ed.), Wrocław 2010, pp. 591-599.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Leberecht Migge - landscape of interwar modern housing estates in Germany. In: Living in the urban modernity, Mexico City 2010, s. 1-5.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Wrocławski modernizm lat 20. XX wieku. In: Leksykon architektury Wrocławia, R. Eysymontt, J. Ilkosz, A. Tomaszewicz, J. Urbanik (eds.), Wrocław 2011, pp. 115-120.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Leksykon architektury Wrocławia, R. Eysymontt, J. Ilkosz, A. Tomaszewicz, J. Urbanik (eds.), Wrocław 2011 (author of 30 entries).
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Krajobraz nowoczesnych osiedli okresu międzywojennego w Niemczech w dziełach Leberechta Migge. In: Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni, architektura pierwszej połowy XX wieku i jej ochrona w Gdyni i w Europie, M. J. Sołtysik, R. Hirsch (eds.), Gdynia 2011, pp. 35-42.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Laboratory kitchen and "Existenzminimum" dwellings. In: Advances in Social and Organizational Factors, San Francisco 2012, P. Vink (ed.), Boca Raton 2012, pp. 42-51.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Renovation of modern movement buildings, original form versus building technology, from Le Corbusier to Hans Scharoun. In: Structural analysis of historical constructions, Wrocław 2012, J. Jasieńko (ed). Wrocław 2012, Vol. 3, pp. 2809-2817.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Agnieszka Gryglewska, Rewaloryzacja dawnego domu dla osób samotnych i małżeństw bezdzietnych projektu Hansa Scharouna - kolejny etap. In: Nie tylko trony. Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana profesorowi Ernestowi Niemczykowi, J. L. Dobesz, A. Gryglewska, M. M. Rudnicka-Bogusz (eds.). Wrocław 2012, pp. 331-344.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Heinrich Lauterbach i wystawa "Mieszkanie i miejsce pracy" - WuWA - "Wohnung und Werkraum" Asstellung. In: W: Heinrich Lauterbach - architekt wrocławskiego modernizmu, J. Ilkosz (ed.), Wrocław 2012, pp. 171-199.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Heinrich Lauterbach - wille we Wrocławiu oraz koncepcje wystroju i wyposażenia wnętrz w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym. In: Heinrich Lauterbach - architekt wrocławskiego modernizmu, J. Ilkosz (ed.), Wrocław 2012, pp. 261-289.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Wille wzorcowego osiedla Werkbundu we Wrocławiu. In: Słynne wille Polski, R. Nakonieczny (ed.), Praha 2013, pp. 144-149, (Czech and English edition).
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Dwelling houses of building Cooperative Schlesische Heimstätte in Wrocław (former Breslau) and in Silesia in 1919-1941 as a precursor of modern ergonomics in architecture. In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion. Stephanidis, M. Antona (eds.), Berlin, Heidelberg 2013, Springer Verlag, Vol. 1, pp. 376-385.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Leksykon zieleni Wrocławia, Iwona Bińkowska, Elżbieta Szopińska (eds.), Wrocław 2013, (author of 22 entries).
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Renovation and Revalorisation of the Werkbund Wuwa Housing Estate – From the Interiors to the Entirety. In: The Survival of modern, from coffee cup to plan, T. Tuomi (ed.), Porvoo, pp. 370-374.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Renowacja wzorcowego osiedla Werkbundu we Wrocławiu - sukcesy i porażki. In: Modernizm w Europie - modernizm w Gdyni: architektura XX wieku do lat sześćdziesiątych i jej ochrona w Gdyni i w Europie, M. J. Sołtysik, R. Hirsch (eds.), Gdynia 2014, pp. 209-216.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Agnieszka Tomaszewicz, Flat roof - advantage or disadvantage of modern movement buildings. In: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions, F. Pena & M. Chávez (eds.), Mexico City 2014, pp. 1-12.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Notheime - ergonomically designed crisis houses of the Building Cooperative "Schlesische Heimstätte". In: Universal access in human-computer interaction: design for all and accessibility practice, C. Stephanidis, M. Antona (ed.). Heraklion 2014, pp. 303-313.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Renovation of a house designed by Emil Lange - successes and failures. In: Adaptive reuse: the modern movement towards the future. A. Tostoes, Z. Ferreira (eds.), Lisbon 2016, pp. 677-682.
  • Jerzy Ilkosz, Haná Červinkowa, Grzegorz Grajewski, Jadwiga Urbanik, Centennial Hall in Wrocław, conservation management plan, Wrocław 2016.
  • A Way to Modernity, The Werkbund Estates 1927-1932, J. Urbanik (ed.), Wrocław 2016.
  • Jerzy Ilkosz, Jadwiga Urbanik, Przestrzeń i architektura Starego Miasta od 1900 do 1945 roku. In: Atlas historyczny miast polskich, Roman Czaja (ed.), Vol. 4, Śląsk, No.13, part 1, 2, Rafał Eysymontt, Mateusz Goliński (eds.), Wrocław 2017, pp. 10-15.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber, From icon to the ordinary and back? Questions for the forthcoming restoration of Adolf Rading‘s Turmhaus in Wroclaw‘s WUWA estate of 1929. In: Metamorphosis: the continuity of change, A. Tostoes, N. Koselj (eds.), Ljubljana 2018, pp. 290-296.
  • Jerzy Ilkosz, Haná Červinkowa, Grzegorz Grajewski, Jadwiga Urbanik, Hala Stulecia we Wrocławiu - konserwatorski plan zarządzania. In: Architektura XX wieku, jej ochrona i konserwacja w Gdyni i w Europie, M. J. Sołtysik, R. Hirsch (eds.), Gdynia 2018, pp. 167-176.
  • Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber, Jadwiga Urbanik, Trudne dziedzictwo - ochrona budynków zaprojektowanych przez Adolfa Radinga we Wrocławiu. In: Adolf Rading - nieznane oblicze wrocławskiej awangardy, J. Ilkosz, B. Störtkuhl (eds.), Wrocław 2019, pp. 185-246.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Od „Schlesische Heimstätte“ do „Die farbige Stadt“ – kolorystyka architektury mieszkaniowej na Śląsku i w Niemczech w okresie Republiki Weimarskiej (1919-1933). In: Architektura XX wieku, jej badania i popularyzacja w Gdyni i w Europie, M.J. Sołtysik, R. Hirsch (eds.), Gdynia 2019, pp.37-44.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, Dom rosnący w międzywojennych Niemczech. In: Architektura XX wieku, zachowanie jej autentyzmu i integralności w Gdyni i w Europie, M. J. Sołtysik, M. Stępa (eds.), Gdynia, Gdańsk 2020, pp.71-78.
  • Jadwiga Urbanik, WuWA 1929 – 2019, Wrocławskie osiedle Werkbundu, Wrocław 2020.
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